Monday, September 5, 2016

La ultima Adiós de Hermana Erickson

This is last week completed in the mission. It's hard to realize/accept. I don't think it will feel real until I have been home for a few days. It has been such a wonderful adventure and journey. I have learned so much about my Savior, His gospel, and myself. A mission really is the highest of highs and the  lowest of lows. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. It is going to be so hard leaving all of this; I have really grown to love Nevada and Arizona, and I have loved being one of the representatives of the Savior. This opportunity to serve has been the best thing of my life, and I have grown so much. I received a blessing yesterday that said "your mission is just starting". I guess it is! I know that Heavenly Father has more in store for me.

As for this week, it went great. I just decided to work hard and leave it to the Lord. It wasn't crazy successful, but I felt happy and complete with the work that we gave. We saw some miracles that made it all worth it :) Emily, the part member family that we teaching, accepted a baptismal date for Oct 8 (the same day that my sister is getting baptized :))!!! She is super excited to be baptized, and I can't wait to skype in to see it!

Another wonderful miracle that we had, was how we found a new investigator this week. We were in this apartment complex, and I could vividly remember an apartment door. A few weeks earlier, I had seen a young mom walk into the door from a ways off. So, we decided to go knock on the door this week. They ended up not being interested, but I felt like we should knock the neighbors door. She ended up being super prepared and ready for the gospel. I love being a small part of God's
plan :)

Just two updates on some investigators: Steven and Lisa--Steven had another spinal fluid leak, and we are assuming he is in the hospital again. We don't know much of what is going on, but we know that they still do want to get baptized. Hopefully Sis Gacke and Goddard (my trainee is coming here!!! :D) will be able to accomplish that. Lupe and Josh--They are so willing to accept and live everything that we teach them! We taught them two commandments this week; tithing and Word of Wisdom, which are both hard to live. But they decided to just do it right then and there. They are a great example of faith to me.

To close out my last letter, I would like to bear my testimony to you all :) I know with all of my heart that this gospel is true, that it really is the same church that Christ set up when he was on the earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God; I have found so many answers from it. I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world. If we use his atonement, we can return and live with our Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father loves us with a perfect love, and
desires our happiness. He will make us more than we can ever imagine if we let him. I can feel of that love, and I know that is real now. I know that our families can be together forever and that we have a living prophet on the earth today. This gospel has only brought me joy and has helped me become a better person. I am so humbled that I had the chance to serve my Heavenly Father.

I love you all! My homecoming talk will be September 25 :)


Hermana Erickson

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